Sunday, December 30, 2012

New year and giving

I am writing this from my cell phone I had no idea that I could do my blog from my phone. So here goes the first one!
This new year is coming and I am so ready for it!! I have new things that I will be implementing in my household and hope that it will stick for years to come. I want to be healthier. I want my migraines to end. I would like to have closer lasting relationships. With people that truly want to be my friend and not use me or my family for what they can get.
My main thing is giving. I will give until there is nothing left to give. It is a fault of mine. I hate that I do it because even though I know I am supposed to give and never expect anything in return. Well I will say it would be nice to be or feel appreciated.
So my challenge to you all is notice what others do for you and don't always take! Get up and HELP every once in a while. Offer even if you are turned down at least you did the RIGHT thing and tried to help. If you are invited for dinner some place. Offer to clean up. Don't leave the mess for the person who cooked for you to clean up too!!
Remember that your friends are people too and their feelings get hurt just like everyone else's. so even though you might have known them a your life. They still hurt just like you. Respect them also.
Take a real look at who you call your friends. Notice their actions. You may just find out all the good they are "doing". Is just a lie to your face to make their life better and yours less. Taking from people all the time and never giving back.
Love your husband or your significant other but have the sense to walk away when your just being used.... I hate seeing this all the time in couples. One using and one so needy they let the other use them up.

My children, husband, school work and my business will come before anything else. I and. Two great kids and a great half kid Courtnie. Whom I would take as my own in a New York minute.
Love your family treat them right.
Sarah K Dorsey

Friday, December 28, 2012

Thank God Christmas is over

Thank God Christmas is Over. I was such a bah humbug this year. I was sick and really had no interest. BUT through it all Christmas turned out to be great. My children were happy and we got to see family we do not normally get to see. It was a white Christmas also. My first!! We have had snow on Christmas eve but never on Christmas day. It was nice. Now if I could just get over this new years eve and start my new year off great. This is my family's year!! Big things are coming for us and we are going to have a great year. I feel that if we start the year with that attitude and keep it nothing can change it for us!!!Awesome!!!