Thursday, September 25, 2014

Love of a dog!

You have never truly experienced unconditional love until you have had the love of a dog.  I may be partial to the Bully breed because they are fierce with their love.  Unending loyalty and they have a 6th sense when they are needed.
Poor Damage does not know how strong he is and his love sometimes, well he tends to cause damage lol.  Reaper just wants to love you and you love him back. He is a big ol cuddle bug.

This baby!!

This baby of mine!!!! She hated school last year and was being bullied all the time!!  This is a picture of her this morning as she left for her new school in a new town.  She loves getting up to get ready.  She talks nonstop all day after school about how she loves her teachers and how she is making friends.  This mothers heart could not be happier for her.  Emily is a bright young girl and can be a little bossy at times but her heart is pure gold.  Moving out of Irving and down to Waxahachie was the best thing my family could have done, not only for Emily but for Kris and I.  Your stress level is just gone!